zaterdag 30 april 2011

lijstje: 10 bijdragen uit de politcal science

Koninginnedag is dit jaar goed voor een vrijmarkt uit de politieke wetenschappen. What has political science ever done for agricultural economics, zo vroeg Wyn Grant van Warwick University zich vorige week op de AES conferentie ter plekke af. Althans dat was de titel van zijn paper.
Op basis van de literatuur over belangengroepen kwam hij tot 10 inzichten die zijn vakgebied heeft bijgedragen, en die ik hier al een lijstje weergeef. De toelichting vind je in zijn paper.

1. Business interests are generally more influential than other interests because of structural and lobbying power, but this does not mean they cannot be defeated.

2. Government shapes interest group activity through its own structure and activities. Having a department within government that is linked to a particular client group can be beneficial to that interest.

3. Government needs interest group activity for legitimation, information and cooperation in policy implementation.

4. An insider group relationship with government brings certain benefits, but also some constraints.

5. The rise of „NGOs‟, particularly those in the environmental sphere, has shaped the terms of the political debate and they have replaced trade unions as the main countervailing power to business.

6. The use of direct action has increased over time and new technologies have facilitated this form of activity.

7. Relatively closed policy communities have diminished in importance over time.

8. The EU is particularly susceptible to interest politics.

9. Pressure groups are not characterized by high levels of internal democracy.

10. The rise of retail governance represents a significant new development in interest politics in that it sees the delegated exercise of substantial influence yet without much interaction between business and government.

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